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IGNOU Syllabus for interview/test for admission to PhD programme in Computer Science

(Syllabus for interview/test for admission to PhD programme in Computer Science)

Computer Architecture: representation of numbers; Octal, Hexadecimal, and Binary 2’s complement and 1’s complement arithmetic, Floating point representation.

Combinational Circuit Design, Sequential Circuit Design, Hardware and Microprogrammed processor design, Instruction formats, Addressing modes, Memory types and organisation, interfacing peripheral devices, Interrupts.

Data Structures & Algorithms: Arrays, stacks, queues, lists, linked, trees, graphs priority queues, heaps, Binary tree, AVL tree, B-tree and Hash tables.

Graphs: connected graphs, regular and bipartite graphs, cycles and circuits. Tree and rooted tree. Spanning tree of a graph, Eccentricity of a vertex, radius and diameter of a graph. Hamiltonian, Eulerian graphs and Planar graphs.

Sorting and Searching Algorithms, Binary Search, Analysis of Algorithms, Asymptotic notations – big oh, omega and theta. Average case analysis of simple programmes like finding of a maximum of n elements. Recursion and its systematic removal.

Techniques for Designing Algorithms: Divide and Conquer, Greedy method, Dynamic programming, Back tracking, Branch and Bound.

NP-hard and NP-complete problems.

Programming language concepts and paradigms: Data types, Operators, expressions, Assignment. Flow of control-control structures, I/O statements, User-defined and built-in functions. Parameter passing.

Language Design: Syntax and semantics of a programming language and related concepts.

Programming Paradigm and related concepts: Imperative, Object-oriented. Functional Logic paradigms

Operating Systems Main functions of operating system, Multiprogramming multiprocessing and multitasking. Memory Management: Virtual memory, paging fragmentation. Concurrent Processing: Mutual exclusion. Critical regions, lock and unlock. Scheduling: CPU scheduling, I/O scheduling, Resource scheduling. Scheduling algorithms. Banker’s algorithm for deadlock handling.

Database Concepts: ER diagrams, Data Models. Design of Relational Database, Normalisation, INF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF and 4NF. Limitations of the normal forms. SQL and QBE, query Processing and Optimisation. Centralised and Distributed Database Security, Oriented Database Management Systems (Concepts Composite object Integration with RDBMS applications.

Computer Networks & Data Communication: Channel capacity. Transmission media twisted pair, coaxial cables, fibre-optic cables, wireless transmission–radio, microwave infrared and millimeter waves. Light wave transmission. Telephone–local loop, unit multiplexing, switching, narrowband ISDN, broadband ISDN, ATM. High speed LANS Cellular Radio. Communication satellites– geosynchronous and low-orbit.

Analog and Digital Transmission, Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission Transmission media, Multiplexing and Concentration, Switching techniques, Polling.

Topologies, Networking Devices, OSI Reference Model: Protocols for – Data link layer Network layer, and Transport layer; TCP/IP protocols, Network security, Network administration.

Theory of computation: Models of computation: Deterministic Finite Automation (DFA), Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA), Regular languages, Equivalences of DFA and NFA, Equivalence of DFA/NFA and regular languages, Minimising the number of states of DFA. Non-regular languages, and Pumping lemma.

Context-free Grammars & Pushdown Automata (PDA): Deterministic Pushdown Automation (DPDA), Non-deterministic Pushdown Automation (NDPDA) Non-equivalence of DPDA and Non-deterministic Pushdown Automation (NDPDA). Context free grammar (CFG). Equivalence of PDA’s ad CFG’s: Ambiguity, Parse Representation of Derivations. Simplification of CFGs: Greibach  Normal Form GNF and Chomsky Normal Form (CNF). Parsing techniques for parsing of general CEG Cook-Kassami-Younger (CKY) algorithm.

Turing Machine (TM): One tape, multitape. The notions of time and space complexity in terms of TM, Construction of TM for simple problems. Computational complexity, Non-computability and Examples of non-computable problems.

Hierarchy of languages: Grammars, Languages – types of grammars – type 0, type 1, type 2, type 3. The relationship between types of grammars, and finite machine Pushdown automation and Context Free Grammars. Lexical Analysis regular expressions and regular languages. Recursive and recursively-enumerable languages.

Compiler Design: Compiler structure, compiler construction tools, compilation phases, Context free grammars. Paring and parse trees. Representation of parse (derivation) trees as rightmost and leftmost derivations. Bottom up parser – shift – reduce, operator precedence, and LR.

Topdown parsers – left recursion and its removal. Recursive descent parser, Predictive parser, Intermediate code generation, Code generation, Code optimisation.

Elements of Artificial Intelligence:

Elements of Symbolic Logic: Propositional (Boolean) Logic, Predicate Logic, Well-formed-formulae (WFF), Deduction, Satsifiability and Tautology, Refutation method. Applications in problem solving.

State space representation of problem. Search techniques: breadth-first, depth-first. A. A*

Knowledge representation: Frames, scripts, semantic nets, production systems, Fuzzy Systems: Definition of a Fuzzy set, Fuzzy relation, Fuzzy function, Fuzzy reasoning Applications to problem solving.

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