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IGNOU Admission for Diploma in Sustainability Science (PGDSS) July 2012

Last date for submission of application: 30th July, 2012

Admission is open for One Year Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Science (PGDSS)
 All graduates from social and natural sciences streams
 Policy makers, administrators, scientists and educators as
well as general public interested in paradigm shift from
the present unsustainable to sustainable development.
Minimum - one year and Maximum – four years.
Medium of Instruction
Programme Fee
Rs. 6000/-
The main objectives of the programme are:
 Enhance awareness and impart knowledge on urgent
measures to be taken to limit population explosion,
unsustainable lifestyle, and generation of non-and slowly
recyclable e-waste, synthetic chemicals.
 Transform green revolution into evergreen revolution so
that agriculture is no longer a destroyer of forests and
 Put “ecology” in the centre of economic development.
Programme Structure
The programme consists of the following 7 theory courses and a
project work/Dissertation of four credits (1 credit = 30 hours of
self study) each.
MSD – 011:     Sustainability Science
MSD – 012:     Ecosystem and Natural Resources
MSD – 013:     Socio-Cultural System
MSD – 014:     Ecological Economics
MSD – 015:     Institutions, Governance and Policies
MSD – 016:     Strategies and Models for Sustainability
MSD – 017:     Challenges to Sustainable Development
MSDP – 018:    Project/Dissertation
Job Opportunities/Career
World is under collapse: a fiction or challenge? The need is of a common effort to maintain the harmonious relation with nature and
development. On the other side, livelihood improvement is still required in those areas of developing and underdeveloped countries,
rural and remote areas. Many National and International organizations are in search of professionals people who are keen to
understand and learn the global issues of conservation, development, livelihood improvement etc. in multidisciplinary team. This
course will be a guidepost in joining those Organizations.

Those who are interested to continue their research in multidisciplinary fields will get theoretical understanding in choosing their
career. The successful students may join as project officer/environmental expert in the NGOs, industries and academic institutions.
The details of the programmes are available at

For details please contact:
Executive Director, Chair for Sustainable Development
Room No. 22, Block 1, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
Tel.: +91-11- 29571122, Email:,


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Students are required to pay examination fee @ Rs. 60/- per course for theory as well as practical. A late fee of Rs. 300/- from 1st October, 2012 to 20th October, 2012 and Rs. 500/- from 21st Ocltober, 2012 to 31st October 2012 also needs to be included, if submitted during this period. Mode of payment Credit Card  Demand Draft  Cash Payment Debit Card of Union Bank of India  Results of June, 2012 Term-end examinations are available on University website  . Please see result status before filling examination form.  Click here to see the result status of June, 2012 Examination.   Select and enter Programme code and Examination Centre Code from the options available. If the centre opted by the student is not activated as examination centre or not allotted for any other reason, alternative examination centre will be allotted.  Select courses carefully. Courses for theory as well as practical needs to be selected separate...