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IGNOU MCS-013 Discrete Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics

Discrete mathematics, sometimes called finite mathematics, is the study of mathematical structure that are fundamentally discrete, in the sense of not support become more and more necessary because of many engineering. Regarding computer science concept from objects or problems in computer algorithm and p efficiency of a computer programs, we need to stud) steps each requiring a certain amount of time. Using the theory of combinatory and graph theory, major areas of discrete mathematics, we can do this. The improve the understanding of courses based on algorithm and problem solving.
This course is designed to give basic concepts of _ sets, relations, functions, combinatorics, partitions and distributions.
Block 1: Elementary Logic
Unit 1: Prepositional Calculus
*Logical Connectives
0 Disjunction
0 Conjunction
0 Negation
0 Conditional Connectives
0 Precedence Rule
*Logical Equivalence
*Logical Quantifiers
Unit 2: Methods of Proof
*What is a Proof?
*Different Methods of Proof

0 Direct Proof
0 Indirect Proofs
0 Counter Examples
*Principle of Induction
Unit 3: Boolean Algebra and Circuits
* Boolean Algebras
* Logic Circuits
* Boolean Functions
Block 2: Basic Combinatorics
Unit 1: Sets, Relations and Functions
* Introducing Sets
* Operations on Sets
0 Basic Operations
0 Properties Common to Logic and Sets
0 Cartesian Product
0 Relations and their types
0 Properties of Relations Functions
0 Types of Functions
0 Operations on Functions
Unit 2: Combinatorics - An Introduction
*Multiplication and Addition Principles Permutations
* Permutations of Objects not
Necessarily Distinct
0 Circular Permutations
*Binomial Coefficients
*Combinatorial Probability
* Pigeonhole Principle
* Inclusion-Exclusion Principle
* Applications of Inclusion - Exclusion
0 Application to Surjective Functions
0 Application to Probability
0 Application to Derangements
Unit 4: Partitions and Distributions
*Integer Partitions
0 Distinguishable Objects into
Distinguishable Containers
0 Distinguishable Objects into
Indistinguishable Containers
0 Indistinguishable Objects into
Distinguishable Containers
0 Indistinguishable Objects into
0 Indistinguishable Containers
Unit 3: Some More Counting Principles

S. No.Counselling2 SessionsNumber of SessionsComments
1.Theory Sessions3One Session on Block -1
Two sessions on Block-2

SessionsSessionBlock to beTopics to be covered
Theory1Block-lPropositional Calculus, Methods of Proof & Boolean
Counselling(Units 1, 2 &Algebra and Circuits
2Block-2Sets, Relations and Functions & Combinatorics – An
(Units 1, 2)Introduction
3Block-2Some more Counting Principles, Partitions and
(Units 3, 4)Distributions


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Students are required to pay examination fee @ Rs. 60/- per course for theory as well as practical. A late fee of Rs. 300/- from 1st October, 2012 to 20th October, 2012 and Rs. 500/- from 21st Ocltober, 2012 to 31st October 2012 also needs to be included, if submitted during this period. Mode of payment Credit Card  Demand Draft  Cash Payment Debit Card of Union Bank of India  Results of June, 2012 Term-end examinations are available on University website  . Please see result status before filling examination form.  Click here to see the result status of June, 2012 Examination.   Select and enter Programme code and Examination Centre Code from the options available. If the centre opted by the student is not activated as examination centre or not allotted for any other reason, alternative examination centre will be allotted.  Select courses carefully. Courses for theory as well as practical needs to be selected separate...