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IGNOU MCSL-016 Internet Concepts and Web design (Lab Course)

Internet Concepts and Web design (Lab Course)

The main objective of the course is to introduce the whole range of web technologies starting from HTML, DHTML, Java Script, VBScript, and Dreamweaver. It also gives a brief description on Internet. Through the various examples the course will describe how to design specific page, dynamic web page, forms and frames. It also focuses on the practical aspects of these technologies.
BLOCK I: Scripting Languages
Unit I: The Internet
*Classification of Networks
*Networking Models
*What is Packet Switching
*Accessing the Internet
0 Internet Protocols
0 Internet Protocol (IP)
0 Transmission Control Protocol
*Internet Address
0 Structure of Internet Servers Address
0 Address Space
*How does the Internet work
*Intranet & Extranet
*Internet Infrastructure
*Protocols and Services on Internet
0 Domain Name System
0 SMTP and Electronic Mail
0 Http and World Wide Web
0 Usenet and Netwgroups
0 Telnet
0 Search Engines
0 Web Browser
Unit 2: Introduction to HTML
*What is HTML
*Basic Tags of HTML
0 HTML Tag
0 BODY Tag
*Formatting of Text
0 Headers
0 Formatting Tags a PRE Tag
0 FONT Tag
0 Special Characters
*Working with Images
*MET A Tag

Unit 3: Advanced HTML
* Links
0 Anchor tag
* Lists
0 Unordered Lists
0 Ordered Lists
0 Definition Lists
* Tables
0 TABLE, TR and TD Tags
0 Cell Spacing and Cell Padding
0 Colspan and Rowspan
* Frames
0 Frameset
* Forms
0 FORM and INPUT Tag
0 Text Box
0 Radio Button
0 Checkbox
0 SELECT Tag and Pull Down Lists
0 Hidden
0 Submit and Reset
* Some Special Tags
0 _blank, _self, _parent, _top
0 Attribute for <SELECT>
Unit 4: Introduction to JavaScript
* JavaScript Variables and Data Types
0 Declaring Variables
0 Data Types
*Statements and Operators
*Control Structures
0 Conditional Statements
0 Loop Statements
*Object-Based Programming
0 Functions
0 Executing Deferred Scripts
0 Objects
*Message box in Javascript
0 Dialog Boxes
0 Alert Boxes
0 Confirm Boxes
0 Prompt Boxes
*Javascript with HTML
0 Events
0 Event Handlers
0 Forms Array
Unit 5: VB Script
* What is VBScript
* Adding VB Script Code to an HTML Page
0 VB Script Basics
0 VBScript Data Types
0 VBScript Variables
0 VBScript Constants
0 VB Script Operators
*Using Conditional Statements
*Looping Through Code
*VBScript Procedures
*VB Script Coding Conventions
*Dictionary Object in VB Script
0 Methods: VB Script Dictionary Object
*VB Script Dictionary Object Properties
*Err Object
0 Methods: VB Script Err Object
0 Properties: VB Script Err Object
Unit 6: Dreamweaver
* Using Dreamweaver
* Create a Site Home Page
* Design a Page 10 Layout View
* Insert Images
* Insert Text
* Work in Standard View
* View the Site Files
* Link your Documents
BLOCK 2: Lab Manual
Section 1: HTML (Hypertext Markup
*Basic of HTML
*How to Create HTML Document
*Steps for Creating a Simple HTML
Section 2: Advanced HTML
*Advanced Topics of HTML
Section 3: JavaScript
*Script Basics
*Incorporating JavaScript into a Web Page
Section 4: VBScript
*VB Script Basics
*Incorporating VBScript into HTML Page
Section 5: Dreamweaver
*How to Work in Dreamweaver??
*How to save your file?
*Adding Layers to the Timeline and Giving
Motion to the Layer
*Inserting Scripts
*Inserting External Media in the Web Page
*Adding SSI(Server-side include to the
*Adding CSS Style to your Page
*Adding XML Files to your Page
*To Export a Dreamweaver Document. XML File, checking entries, working in frames, windows control, the Java script URL.

SessionsNumber of SessionsComments
Practical Sessions20Internet Concepts and web design

SessionsSessionBlock to beTopics to be covered
Practical1Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 1, session - 2 and
SessionsManualsession - 3 of Section -1 of the lab manual are to be
(Section -1)executed.
2Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 4, session - 5 and
Manual (Section -session - 6 of Section - 1 of the lab manual are to be
--3Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 7 and session – 8
Manual (Section -of Section - ] of the lab manual are to be executed.
4Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 9 and session -]0
Manualof Section - ] of the lab manual are to be executed.
(Section -1)
5Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - ], session - 2 and
Manualsession - 3 of Section - 2 of the lab manual are to be
(Section - 2)executed.
6Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 4, session -5 and
ManualSession-6 of Section - 2 of the lab manual are to be
(Section -2)executed.
-All the problems given in the session - 7, session - 8 of
7Block -2, Lab
ManualSection - 2 of the lab manual are to be executed.
_.(Section -2)
8Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 9 and session -10
Manualof Section - 2 of the lab manual ate to be executed.
(Section -2)
9Block -2 , LabAll the problems given in the session - ], session - 2 and
Manualsession - 3 of Section - 3 of the lab manual are to be
(Section -3)executed.
10Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 4, session – 5 and
Manualsession - 6 of Section - 3 of the lab manual are to be
(Section -3)executed.
11Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 7, session - 8 and
Manualsession - 9 of Section - 3 of the lab manual are to be
(Section -3)executed.
.12Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - ] 0, session - II
Manualand session - 12 of Section - 3 of the lab manual are to be
(Section -3)executed.
13Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 13, session - 14
Manualand session - 15 of Section - 3 of the lab manual are to be
(Section -3)executed.
14Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 1, session - 2 and
Manualsession - 3 of Section - 4 of the Jab manual are to be
(Section - 4)executed.
15Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 4, session -5 and
Manualsession. 6 of Section - 4 of the lab manual are to be
(Section - 4)executed.
16Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 7 and session. 8
Manualof Section - 4 of the lab manual are to be executed.
(Section - 4)
17Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 9 and session -10
Manualof Section - 4 of the lab manual are to be executed.
(Section - 4)
18Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - I, session - 2,
IManualsession. 3 and session - 4 of Section'. 5 of the' lab manual
(Section -5)are to be executed.
19Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session. 5, session - 6 and
Manualsession. 7 of Section - 5 of the lab manual are to be
(Section -5)executed.
20Block -2, LabAll the problems given in the session - 8, session - 9 and
Manualsession -10 of Section - 5 of the lab manual are to be
(Section -5)executed.


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Students are required to pay examination fee @ Rs. 60/- per course for theory as well as practical. A late fee of Rs. 300/- from 1st October, 2012 to 20th October, 2012 and Rs. 500/- from 21st Ocltober, 2012 to 31st October 2012 also needs to be included, if submitted during this period. Mode of payment Credit Card  Demand Draft  Cash Payment Debit Card of Union Bank of India  Results of June, 2012 Term-end examinations are available on University website  . Please see result status before filling examination form.  Click here to see the result status of June, 2012 Examination.   Select and enter Programme code and Examination Centre Code from the options available. If the centre opted by the student is not activated as examination centre or not allotted for any other reason, alternative examination centre will be allotted.  Select courses carefully. Courses for theory as well as practical needs to be selected separate...