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IGNOU MCSL-017 Lab (C and Assembly Language Programming) (Lab Course)

Lab (C and Assembly Language Programming) (Lab Course)

This lab course is completely based on MCS-011 and MCS-012 courses.
The basic objective of the course is to provide the hands on experience on C Programming and Assembly language programming and improve the practical skill set. Also to apply all the concepts that have been covered in the theory courses MCS-011 and MCS - 012. The learner will try to apply the alternate ways to provide the solution to a given problem. The learner will be able to develop the logic for the given problem, recognize and understand the syntax and construction of C code, gains experience of C and Assembly language programming, know the steps involved in compiling, linking and debugging C code, feel more confident about writing the C functions, write some complex programs
Section 1 C Programming Lab
*Salient Features of C
*C Programming Using Borland Compiler
*Using C with UNIX
*Running C Programs using MS Visual C++
*Program Development Life Cycle
*List of Lab Assignments - Session wise
Section 2 Digital Logic Circuits
*Logic Gates Circuit Simulation Program
*Making a Logic Circuit Using Logic
*A Revisit of Steps of Logic Circuit Design
*Session-wise problems
Section 3 Assembly Language Programming
0 Turbo Assembler (TASM)
0 Emu 8086
0 The DEBUG Program
Assembly Programming File
Session-wise List of Programs

SessionsNumber of SessionsComments
Practical Sessions10Problem Solving and C programming
Practical Sessions10Digital Logic Circuits and Assembly
Language Programming

SessionsSessionBlock to beTopics to be covered
Practical1 to 10Lab ManualAll the problems given in the Section - I (session- wise)
Sessions(Section -1)of the lab manual are to be executed.
11 to 20Lab ManualAll the problem given In the Section - 2 and Section - 3
(Section -2 &(session- wise) of the lab manual are to be executed.


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Students are required to pay examination fee @ Rs. 60/- per course for theory as well as practical. A late fee of Rs. 300/- from 1st October, 2012 to 20th October, 2012 and Rs. 500/- from 21st Ocltober, 2012 to 31st October 2012 also needs to be included, if submitted during this period. Mode of payment Credit Card  Demand Draft  Cash Payment Debit Card of Union Bank of India  Results of June, 2012 Term-end examinations are available on University website  . Please see result status before filling examination form.  Click here to see the result status of June, 2012 Examination.   Select and enter Programme code and Examination Centre Code from the options available. If the centre opted by the student is not activated as examination centre or not allotted for any other reason, alternative examination centre will be allotted.  Select courses carefully. Courses for theory as well as practical needs to be selected separate...